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Celebrate hydration on World Water Day!

Celebrate hydration on World Water Day!

Importance of Hydration

You’ve likely heard the benefits and importance of hydration, and that’s because it’s essential to life and promotes optimal functioning of the body. Staying hydrated allows every system in your body to perform its functions properly. When your body doesn’t have enough fluids, either from taking in too little or losing more than you take in, it can negatively affect your health leading to various illnesses or diseases. Dehydration can harm your health, from fatigue and confusion to seizures and urinary and kidney problems. 

Let’s get into some of the benefits of staying hydrated:

  • Improved Cognitive Function: Staying hydrated helps enhance cognitive function, as the brain needs a certain amount of water to stay alert and focused. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can impact cognitive performance, so staying hydrated is essential.
  • Improved Digestion: Drinking enough water can help improve digestion. This is because it helps to soften and break down food, making it easier for the body to absorb nutrients. It also helps to flush out toxins and waste from the body.
  • Joint and tissue protection: A component of synovial fluid, water is necessary to help prevent friction as it lubricates and cushions the joints and cartilage surrounding them. Keeping your body hydrated also helps it retain optimum moisture levels in sensitive areas, such as blood, tissues, bones, and the brain. In addition, water helps protect the spinal cord and acts as a lubricant and cushion for your joints.
  • Metabolic support: Proper hydration helps keep your body’s metabolic processes running smoothly, allowing cells to absorb and use the nutrients and energy they need to function. Without adequate hydration, your body can become sluggish, leading to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and decreased performance.

How much fluid do you need per day?

The amount of fluid you need varies from person to person. Generally, you should drink at least half your body weight of liquid in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs, you’d want to aim for at least 75 oz of fluid, most of which can be from water plus other liquids, like herbal teas, seltzers, non-calorie, non-caffeinated beverages and watery foods, like broth. Those participating in vigorous exercise may need more. Certain conditions, such as renal disease or pregnancy, can alter fluid requirement needs, so speak with your healthcare provider about your hydration needs. 

Let's Meet your Hydration Needs

Now that you’ve figured out HOW much water you need to drink let's talk about how to meet your hydration needs. One way is to carry a reusable water bottle and drink from it often. If you enjoy routine, you may consider building your water intake into your daily activities, like drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up or with each meal. 

Your daily liquid intake is also a great time to enhance hydration with nutrient-dense substitutes. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables high in water content or drinking bone broth or coconut water that are full of electrolytes, are creative ways to switch up your hydration. If you don’t enjoy the taste of plain water, you can add flavor to water by adding a slide of lemon, lime, or other favorite fruit or drinking decaffeinated herbal teas. 


On World Water Day, highlight the importance of fresh water by hydrating yourself!