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International Women's Day

International Women's Day


This International Women’s Day, we are taking a moment to celebrate a very special member of our team- Maria Castro! Born in Colombia and raised in the United States, Maria has viewed the world through a global lens at a young age. She’s celebrated and navigated her dual cultures through her love of food. Food is a way she’s connected with her father and her culture, as food plays a central role in how she builds connections and community with the Latine/o community.

Maria’s drive to enter the medical field gave her an affinity for the sciences, but after undergrad, she realized medicine was not right for her. Her passion for food reoriented her interest in science into the profession of dietetics– after a Nutrition 101 class, it cemented her nutrition was the path for her. Today, she is in the final stages of her dietetic internship and has developed an interest in food justice and public health nutrition. In her free time, Maria exercises her enthusiasm for food and culture by trying new recipes and doing light gardening as the days get warmer! 

Maria’s passion for food, multicultural perspective, strong work ethic, and kind nature have been critical to the success of Azuluna Foods. From her work on our Sustainable Wellness Program (more details to come!!) to her efforts to keep our recipes balanced, nourishing, and energizing, Maria is a highly esteemed team member, and we cannot thank her enough for her commitment to our mission. 

“I feel fortunate to work for a company actively contributing to change and want to revolutionize our food system. It’s challenging work, but we’re doing it!” - Maria Castro

We’ll end this post with an incredible snack recommendation from Maria herself! For those who may not be a PB&J fans, here is an easy, cheap, and quick recipe for a balanced, small meal. 

“I’ve never really liked peanut butter (unpopular opinion!), so I always missed out on PB&J. Someone introduced me to an alternative version which is bread (preferably sourdough), almond butter, and blueberries. It’s been a go-to ever since! I get to enjoy something similar to a PB&J while enjoying a healthy dose of carbs, fat, protein, and fiber.”

Maria- Thank you for all your work; we are so grateful to have you on board. Take today to celebrate a woman in your life, their accomplishments, and her contributions!