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The Ultimate Energizing Drink: Bone Broth or Coffee?

azuluna foods Ultimate Energizing Drink pasture raised chicken Bone Broth or Coffee

azuluna foods Ultimate Energizing Drink pasture raised chicken Bone Broth or Coffee

The benefits of bone broth cannot be underestimated. It’s a great source of nutrition and can even help you recover after a workout. We’ve discussed the positive effects of incorporating bone broth into your daily routines, but how does it compare to another beloved beverage, coffee, when it comes to a better morning drink?

azuluna foods Ultimate Energizing Drink pasture raised chicken Bone Broth or Coffee coffee,coffee bean,coffee powder,ground coffee,black coffee,cup,bean,brown,dark,overhead,top view,isolated,white background

The science behind coffee. Caffeine, the primary stimulant in coffee and some teas, works on a chemical level to boost energy or anxiety for those more sensitive to the stimulus. The chemical structure of caffeine is very similar to another chemical compound found naturally in our bodies - adenosine - which is responsible for making us sleepy. When we drink coffee, caffeine binds to our brain's adenosine receptors, preventing the chemical from binding with the receptors and making us tired. Caffeine also increases our heart rate, which gets our blood pumping. The combination of these biological impacts temporarily lifts fatigue and promotes alertness. 

The downside to relying on coffee (or caffeine) for energy is the more coffee we drink, the more adenosine receptors our bodies make, meaning more coffee or caffeine is necessary to keep you awake. Additionally, adding a ton of extra sweeteners can spike your blood sugars and create a false sense of alertness that inevitably comes with a crash.

azuluna foods Ultimate Energizing Drink pasture raised chicken Bone Broth or Coffee

How does bone broth impact energy levels?

While bone broth is not new, researchers are still studying its influence. Though we don’t have a clear answer to each beverage’s impacts, we know how protein and electrolytes provide energy. 

Protein. Consuming protein in your morning meal vs. a sugar-filled coffee provides satiety, better management of cravings throughout the day, and lasting energy without jitters. So how does protein aid in satiety and energy production? Its breakdown in the stomach signals the release of satiety hormones, altering your body that it has sufficient nutrition and no more food is needed. At the same time, the broken-down proteins, or amino acids, can be used by the body or stored through a process called gluconeogenesis. Our Azuluna Foods Pasture-Raised Chicken bone broth contains 14 grams of protein per serving, making it an energizing compliment to your morning. 

Electrolytes. Electrolytes do not contain energy and thus provide energy on their own; however, they do support functions in the body that impact energy levels. Calcium and magnesium play essential roles in the production of ATP, our cell’s energy currency. Drinking bone broth not only aids in hydration but also energy generation.

azuluna foods Ultimate Energizing Drink pasture raised chicken Bone Broth or Coffee

Does that mean you must completely give up your precious cup of Joe?

Ultimately, it comes down to your preference. We’re not saying you need to quit coffee. It’s not a “one is better than the other” situation because they both provide value, whether the ritual of making that morning cup of a warm beverage or the energy we get from each drink. Instead of pitting these two amazing beverages against each other, consider them compliments, bone broth AND coffee.